Unplanning Marathon Training
/Almost immediately after signing up for my first ever 10km race I jumped on the internet to find a training plan. A plan that will tell me what, how and when I should train to achieve my goal... and it worked.
Then I got caught in binge reading absolutely everything about running - magazines, books, websites, blogs... anything that could give me a better idea how this all running works, why others do it, how they do it. I was updating and upgrading my training plans before every race I ran. I was implementing strategies, adjusting posture, stride, hands and a head. I was trying to run every day like Murukami and lean forward like chi runners. And while it was great to improve my technique and stamina, and be all organised, it also started to backfire. Torn calf muscle, ITBS, sciatica, shin split... there was a new injury coming with almost every race. I was stressed, tired and frustrated, and started loosing interest in running at all. What's wrong I was asking? I learn a lot, I know more and should run smarter, and better, and injury free.
This whole situation created a lot o pressure that inevitably brought me a lot of doubt and led to a sad burnout... ... and then I went on holidays. Nearly 4 weeks with only one run somewhere in the middle... and another marathon coming soon, in 2 months. I had to go, but just couldn't bear the pressure any more, so... I let it go. I started running only when I felt like, I stopped analysing and correcting my posture, stopped thinking about times, splits, hills, intervals and did not even look at any training plans at all. I was just running 2-3 times a week with one longer run on the weekend. 2 months later I finishegd my 5th marathon. Strong and happy, and enjoying every minute of it. I regained my love for running and started running more, and WITHOUT A PLAN.
Now, I run hills when I feel like running hills. I run super fast short runs when I feel like running super fast short runs. I run long distance slow runs when I feel like running long distance slow runs. I do not plan any more, I go with the flow, with what my body and mind need. I push when I know I can push and I let it go when I feel it's not the right time. No injuries so far and loving running more every day.
I am still reading a lot, but just not trying it out on myself any more. I am who I am. I am a 42 years old Mum that started running 2 years ago and just fell in love with running marathons... on my terms though.