Should I Stay or Should I Go
/I have my dream marathon in Kyoto in less than 4 weeks and guess what has just happened? I injured my knee. All my fault, I know, I was asking for it.
So far the training was going great. Holidays or not, I was getting stronger and faster, and it felt easy... way too easy. So I made a total rookie mistake and crossed the line. You know that one where professionals say gradually increase your mileage and schedule enough rest for your muscles to rebuild. Yes, I totally overdone the training.
In early January my weekly training runs leading to the marathon were getting longer and longer, and I felt so good that started running even more often... up to 6 days a week, and also, somehow too early, I’ve done a couple of 30km+ long runs on Sundays... week after week... ouch!!! On the one just 4 weeks before Kyoto my knee started to hurt just after about 20km. I didn't stop. Of course. Totally ignored this first sign and explained to myself that it will surely go away. It didn't. At 25km the pain was, let's say 'significant', but again, I didn't stop. Still thought it's just something temporary and basically nothing, and continued running, with pain, trying to adjust my posture, stride... no, nothing helped, but guess what? I continued running, really wanted to do 35km this time... then, at 30km I started to limp, and finally reached the moment when I just could not continue... bummer!
WTF - I thought - okay, okay, I finish for today. I was very disappointed. Stretched and iced at home and the pain totally went away. Nothing when I walked, climbed the stairs, exercised at the gym... nothing. So, I decided to continue my training as usual. But now every time I ran the pain is back. And every time I run it’s coming earlier and earlier… first after 15km, then after 10... 8... and now 5.
I’ve done all the research, started stretching and cross-training more, taking some days off here and there... but obviously it is all not enough... I am still training for the marathon and still training in pain.
I really, really want to run in Kyoto. No matter what and no matter how, and I really want to finish... is that even possible any more?
P.S. Oh, and btw, yes, considered seeing phisio, but deep down I know what he’s going to say and I don’t want to hear that. I am definitely going to Kyoto and in pain or not I am going to finish that marathon!